Another EMRO not to proceed - this time West Lancashire


14 Feb

News reaches us of another possible EMRO that is not to proceed. West Lancashire Council had previously decided to launch a formal consultation on the adoption of an EMRO. 

However reports now indicate the council has decided not to pursue the matter further at this stage.

The reason stated by a council spokesman appears to be “several legal concerns have been highlighted as the relevant legislation is new and untested”.  The council do then go on to say that they are “committed to addressing concerns of night time disturbance and antisocial behaviour.”

This in common with other councils that have considered the adoption of an EMRO and then either not pursued it or decided not to adopt one at this stage, gives an indication that there will be an expectation on the trade and others to seek to work with Responsible Authorities to address perceived concerns or face the very real prospect of some form of action if improvements are not shown.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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